Anamika Gaurav
3 months ago
Enjoying this application.. something new different 🥹🫰🏻
2 months ago
Hello, are you able to use the new Knowasiak well?



11 people voted
Aditya Gaurav
3 months ago
Extreme uncommon life advice that's true ⬇️

Law of attraction is bs
Good mindset will make you rich is bs
Meditation will make you rich is bs
Becoming your own boss sh*t is bs
Dropshipping trend creators are bs
Get rich fast/get rich easy is bs
Buying courses to become rich is bs
Attending webinars to become rich is bs
University degree is bs
School study is bs
Coaching classes are bs
Keeping everyone happy outside family is bs
Following get rich gurus is bs
Sigma/Alpha male sh*t is bs
Following toxic accounts is bs
Following cringe content is bs
Ideas written down in diaries is bs
Bootlicking others for own benefit is bs
Doing anything mentioned above will Never make you successful.

Action takers become successful
Habit formers become successful
Executors become successful
Doers become successful
People who's dreams don't let them sleep become successful
You never become your own boss, you just
become your own employee.
To become successful you don't need tons of ideas, friends, overnight rich gurus or degrees.
You just need one good original idea,
good consistency and immeasurable efforts towards building it in reality day and night.
A consistent person always outperforms every other person who might be talented or rich but distracted from action.
Like and Share with friends.
Follow me @[1] for more.

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Aditya Gaurav
10 months ago
At COGNAC Metaverse, we believe that the future of the internet is a place where people can live, work, and play in virtual worlds that are as realistic as the real world. We are building that future today with COGNAC Metaverse, a photo-realistic metaverse where users can interact with each other using real-life avatars, explore realistic environments, and participate in a variety of activities.

From attending virtual events and concerts to playing games with friends and family, there are endless possibilities for what you can do in COGNAC Metaverse. And as the metaverse continues to evolve, we expect to see even more exciting and immersive experiences emerge.

But COGNAC Metaverse is more than just a place to play games and socialize. We believe that it has the potential to revolutionize the way we work, learn, and interact with each other. In COGNAC Metaverse, people can connect with others from all over the world without having to travel. They can learn about different cultures and perspectives, and collaborate on projects in a way that would not be possible in the real world.

We are also excited about the potential of COGNAC Metaverse to create new economic opportunities. In the metaverse, people can buy and sell goods and services, and even create their own businesses. This could lead to a more distributed and equitable economy, where everyone has the opportunity to participate and contribute.

We are still in the early stages of developing COGNAC Metaverse, but we are confident that it has the potential to change the world for the better. We invite you to join us on this journey and help us build the future of the metaverse.

If you are interested in learning more about COGNAC Metaverse, please visit our website or join our social media channels. We would love to hear from you!

#[347] #[603] #[9] #[604] #[605] #[606] #[607] #[320] #[608] #[609] #[610] #[611] #[612]

Aditya Gaurav
1 month ago
Happy Independence Day #india #Bharat #78th
Aditya Gaurav
3 months ago (E)
Third day of development.
Aditya Gaurav
2 months ago
14th Day of Development. Going on. :D
Aditya Gaurav
1 month ago
How Tata Group Became a Global Conglomerate

Tata Group, founded in 1868 by Jamsetji Tata, has grown from a small trading company into one of the world’s largest and most respected conglomerates. With operations in over 100 countries and a presence in multiple industries, Tata Group's story is a testament to visionary leadership, strategic innovation, and a commitment to ethical business practices.

✦Growth Journey:
✦ Diversification: Tata Group diversified into steel, power, hospitality, and aviation early on, setting the foundation for its expansive portfolio. In 1907, Tata Steel was established, marking the beginning of India's steel industry.

✦ Global Expansion: In the 1990s, Tata began its global expansion, acquiring businesses in the UK, US, and beyond. Notable acquisitions include Tetley Tea (2000), Jaguar Land Rover (2008), and Corus Steel (2007), making Tata a significant player on the global stage.

✦ Innovation: Tata has consistently focused on innovation, from launching India's first indigenous car, the Tata Indica, in 1998 to developing the world’s most affordable car, the Tata Nano, in 2008. Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) became a leader in IT services, further establishing the Group’s global reputation.

✦ Key Success Factors:
✦ Ethical Leadership: Tata Group's commitment to ethical business practices, deeply rooted in its core values, has earned it trust and respect globally.

✦ Sustainability: Tata has always prioritized sustainability, with initiatives in renewable energy, water conservation, and community development, setting a benchmark for corporate responsibility.

✦ Employee Welfare: Tata Group’s progressive policies on employee welfare, including the eight-hour workday and maternity leave, were revolutionary in their time and continue to inspire.

✦ Achievements:
✦ Tata Group today comprises over 100 operating companies with revenues exceeding $100 billion.
✦ Tata's brands, such as Jaguar Land Rover, Taj Hotels, and Tata Motors, are globally recognized.
✦ TCS is one of the world’s largest IT services firms, with a market cap exceeding $100 billion.

✦ Lessons for Entrepreneurs:
✦ Visionary Leadership: A clear vision, combined with ethical values, can propel a company to global success.
✦ Strategic Diversification: Expanding into diverse industries can safeguard against market volatility.
✦ Global Acquisitions: Strategic acquisitions can accelerate growth and open up new markets.
✦ Innovation and Sustainability: Continuous innovation and a commitment to sustainability are key to long-term success.

What do you think has been the most critical factor in Tata Group’s success? Share your thoughts in the comments!
#BusinessCaseStudy #GlobalConglomerate #TataGroup #leadership #innovation #sustainability #entrepreneurship
Aditya Gaurav
3 months ago
Hey there
Aditya Gaurav
2 months ago
10th day of development. Combining new features.